Protex Stars in The Soapie of Soaps

Colgate-Palmolive: Protex

Ogilvy Brand Activation and Colgate-Palmolive briefed Creatrix to create a Protex branded edutainment feature for the Western Cape target market.

Enter The Arendse Family, the soapie of soaps, highlighting Protex brand attributes that were woven into the storyline. Each character had a relationship with the product and as the series progressed, confirmed or converted their attitude towards the brand.

An exciting signature tune introduced and bookended the show. The presenter threaded all elements of the show together to form a holistic entity.  The program included a content-based quiz, awarding product and prizes to a weekly winner on air, showing that the learning outcomes had been absorbed.

Live events were held in conjunction with the radio soapie, featuring brand ambassador Bryan Habana, who was written into the storyline of the series.

The series flighted for 12 weeks on Good Hope FM, in English.


Synergies: Creatrix, Heart of Hearing Studio, Howard Audio

Concept & Script: Creatrix

Agency: Ogilvy Brand Activation

Studio Recordings, Edit & Mix: Heart of Hearing Studio

Composers: Lynn Joffe & Adam Howard

Musical Direction: Howard Audio

Listen to episode 11 in English